What happens when mistakes are made


Retired Admin
I only just read about this topic where cancer patients were given doses of medicine that were too small.

The usual dose of carboplatin is between 200 milligrams and 300 milligrams, with variations made depending on the patient.

But a flat dose of 100 milligrams was given to head or neck cancer patients by one of the hospital's medical oncologists, Dr John Grygiel.

"Heads should roll," Mr Foley said.

"Patients were lied to, the public was lied to, and no-one at St Vincent's took responsibility.

"The Health Minister can't abrogate responsibility for the health system."

St Vincent's made false statements: report
Investigators found that of the 78 patients treated with a 100 milligram dose of the chemo drug, 23 died of cancer, three died from non-cancer issues and four died with an unspecific cause.

The report found the hospital had made false and misleading public statements about the under-dosing and was critical of St Vincent's disclosure to patients, finding there was a "significant delay" in telling patients what had happened.

This is a damning aspect of society where a hospital is involved in an issue that affects quite a number of seriously ill people and doesn't simply say so.